Easiscrew has been designed to adapt to all contra-angles on the market and transform them into a screwdriver that allows comfortable and safe access to the patient’s mouth without the risk of accidents due to the loss of the screwdrivers when they slip out of the dentist’s fingers, as frequently happens. in implantology when loading difficult-to-access implants in very posterior positions, limited mouth openings and the humidity and viscosity of saliva that make it difficult to screw on implants with manual screwdrivers that can escape and be swallowed or worse still aspirated by the patient, putting risking his life and our peace of mind in the clinic.

For these reasons, why risk if easisscrew exists?

With easiscrew adapted to a contra angle and with a screwdriver tip compatible with your implant system we can safely access and screw in all clinical cases. The torque will depend on the contra angle you use, easiscrew has the resistance to operate at more than 50 Nw.

Easiscrew makes the clinic in implantology easier.

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